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| Behind the ASCII Colouration |
2021-10-01 by flosha and Avallach
flosha: After the creation of the latest design of this website, in which I decided to discard all images in favour of pure text and ASCII art, I told Avallach that I want to colourise the Phoenix. While the design of this website as well as of gothicarchive.org and phoenixthegame.com was developed by me on my own, there are a few technical things that I couldn't manage to do myself. The colouration of the ASCII art is one of them, and I thought that the solution is interesting enough to tell you about.
I had generated the Phoenix ASCII with an online tool, since I couldn't see me doing that by hand. This uncolourised version was looking like this:
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I'll just quote the important parts of the conversation. No need to retell what you can read first hand (or first fingertips in that case). I was just finishing the design, showing it to Avallach and asking if he would be able to help me with the colouration.
[23.09.] Flosha: What do you say now?
I want to add colour to the Phoenix. It's just quite hard to do.
[23.09.] Avallach: O wow, I really like it. I really like the ASCII art design of the main page. I can help colouring.
... he said. And went straight to work. Two days later:
[25.09.] Avallach: This is harder than I thought. I have an idea how to achieve it, but it will take me a bit more time.
I will need to separate the ASCII art into multiple layers, each for one colour in the palette. So there will be 4-16 <pre> elements overlayed on top of each other with CSS.
[26.09. 00:37] Avallach: It's really hard.
This is a prototype with 6 layers, colours are not set yet. But I see that shape somehow got corrupted.

[26.09. 00:50] Avallach: I fixed the shape, but contrast and colours still require some work. / Still 6 layers. Gray + 5 colours. / Do you think this is enough colours or should there be more, like 16?

[26.09. 12:29] Avallach: I'm doing already like the 4th prototype... this time trying to limit colour to areas with some minimum saturation and brightness on the input image:

[26.09. 12:35] Avallach: Current idea: Pick the optimal colours only for these sections of the image, and leave the rest in greyscale:

[26.09. 13:54] Avallach: I need gimp to calculate optimal colours. / But it is already on the same grid. / 98x95 / As the ASCII will be. / So that the calculations for each character are exact. This is around 10 colours and IMO looks close enough.

[26.09. 14:02] Avallach: All the brightness and sharpness will be handled by the ASCII art generator. This is just a template how to separate colours into layers. All the brightness information from here will be ignored.

[26.09. 15:07] Avallach: This is the result of the separation:

Avallach: Now I will prepare the ASCII-art [again, via the online generator I (flosha) used] from each of these colour layers. / I think only this screenshot really explains how it works, right?

Upon my request, Avallach has written a little documentation, that really shows the complicated process he came up with just to fullfill my wish to colourise the Phoenix:
# How PhoenixTales colours ASCII arts
by Avallach
Just like with making a mod for the zEngine, it's a tedious and manual process involving multiple tools. Could be made way easier if we were ok with cheating and making a bitmap picture where characters are represented as pixels. But no, we want a real old-school ascii art that is both retro and lightweight.
We used a third party tool that can convert a grayscale image into ascii art. It does not matter which tool it is, the approach works with any.
We came up with this exact procedure when preparing a coloured ascii art of the Phoenix in the "Stalker" variant. We tried out a few different approaches, and the below sequence of steps gave the best results.
## Step 1 - prepare colour mask
- 1. Duplicate the input image into new layer "1"
- 2. Create new layer "2" filled with 50% saturated red (HSV)
- 3. Put "1" above "2" and set colour mixing mode to HSV saturation
- 4. Merge layers "1" and "2" into "2"
- 5. Desaturate and invert layer "2"
- 6. Duplicate the input image into new layer "3"
- 7. Desaturate layer "3"
- 8. Increase contrast of layer "3" to maximum and set brightness to the point when parts too dark to be coloured are all black
- 9. Put layer "3" above layer "2" and set colour mixing mode to "Darken only"
- 8. Increase contrast of layer "2" to maximum and set brightness to the point when only parts with visible colour are white
- 9. Merge layers "3" and "2" into "2"
- 10. Scale layer "2" to the size of target ASCII art in characters (e.g. 98px x 95px for Phoenix mascot) (proportions will appear stretched horizontally, because each character in rendered ascii art is naturally taller than wide)
- 11. Replace white with transparency
- 12. The layer "2" is now our "colour mask" that we will use in the next step
## Step 2 - prepare colour map
- 1. Slightly increase saturation of input image to compensate for coming partial colour loss
- 2. Scale input image to the size of target ASCII art in characters
- 3. Put "colour mask" prepared in step 1 above input image and merge it into it
- 4. Make sure that there is only one layer left in the image and no transparency
- 5. Change image mode to indexed, around 10 colours, with Floyd-Steinberg dithering
- 6. Replace black with transparency
- 7. The colour map is ready - we will use it for distributing available colours between "ascii pixels" (it will only affect hue/saturation, not brightness as expressed by choice of different ascii characters)
## Step 3 - separate layers on input image
- 1. Put colour map prepared in step 2 on top of input image
- 2. Use tool "select by colour" (`shift-o`) all the time, with 0% tolerance setting and no antialiasing
- 3. Scale colour map to image size, with no interpolation (it will look "pixelated")
- 4. Select black colour on colour map and remove it
- 5. Select any colour on colour map, delete that selection on colour map, then cut that selection from input image and paste it as new layer
- 6. Repeat step 5 until colour map is completely empty
- 7. Save each layer created in repeats of step 5 as separate file
- 8. Generate separate ascii art from each of these files, using a 3rd party tool of your choice
- 9. Generate last ASCII art from parts of input image that were not covered by colour map
## Step 4 - assemble with CSS
- 1. Display each ASCII art in separate divs
- 2. Position the divs absolutely on the same position, so that they perfectly overlap
- 3. Pick different colour for each ASCII art, except of the last one, which contains "grayscale" part
- 4. Carefully tweak the colours in CSS so that overall the art has the best reassemblance to the input image
Here our final colourised Phoenix:
And for your imagination: These are all the signs of the 12 layers if we do not let them overlap and do not put them in a pre tag:
Avallach put the colourised ASCII in a .svg, in order to prevent having all that code on our page. But if you want to see how the final 12 layers look like, just rightclick and take a look at the sourcecode of this page.
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